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This is the fourth in a series written by Guy Netaneli of 010 Data Protection. A partner and customer of Whipcord Edge, 010 helps business develop their plans and design technical solutions to support them.

Strategy development is where the theoretical aspects of risk management and BIA are translated into actionable plans. This phase begins with designing comprehensive data backup solutions that ensure data availability and integrity. Businesses must decide on the frequency of backups, the types of data to be backed up, and the storage locations. Cloud-based solutions are often favored for their scalability and reliability, providing secure off-site storage that can be accessed during a disaster.

In addition to data backup, the strategy development phase includes creating detailed recovery procedures for each critical business function. These procedures outline the steps necessary to restore operations within the defined RTOs and RPOs. They should include instructions for system recovery, alternate site activation, and manual workaround processes. Clear, concise, and easily accessible documentation is essential to ensure that recovery teams can execute these procedures efficiently during a crisis.

Communication is another vital component of the strategy development phase. Developing a robust communication plan ensures that all stakeholders are informed during a disaster. This includes establishing communication protocols for internal teams, external partners, customers, and regulatory bodies. Effective communication helps coordinate recovery efforts, maintain stakeholder confidence, and minimize the impact of misinformation during a disaster.

Guest Author

Guy Netaneli

010 Data Protection


Guy Netaneli

Written by Guy Netaneli